A Window to Hackney: Our Hotel Wall As a Canvas For Your Work - Kip

A Window to Hackney: Our Hotel Wall As a Canvas For Your Work

We are here to give progressive artists a voice, plastering their work over one of London’s most talked about areas, Hackney!

Colourful visual with Hackney text across middle

Annually 5.8 million people access Hackney directly through Hackney Overground Station. The first thing they see is a vast brick wall, a characterless expanse of grey clay. A Window to Hackney transforms this wall into a high impact, vibrant and inspirational exhibition space for contemporary street art which will uplift and enlighten the up & coming area!

A Window to Hackney welcomes people with a positive message about the multicultural and vibrant nature of Hackney, one of the most progressive and diverse boroughs in London!


In recent years, street art has become an integral part of East London’s identity and the quality of work is such a high standard that people come from all over the world to see it. Work by internationally renowned street art greats including Banksy, Stik, Shepard Fairley, Thierry Noir and Otto Schade, is now part of the fabric of the East London.

The Competition

We are beyond excited to be able to give 5 UK artists the chance to win our hotel wall as the canvas for their work! We will offer them 4 panels of our wall each to showcase their work, using digital rendering to ensure that the art work can be quickly completed and ready to enjoy.

This once in a lifetime opportunity is a chance for the winning artists to gain high-level exposure through the eyes of the public, as well as the media!

The art works will be seen by the millions of commuters that pass through Hackney Central station each year, and we hope it will become one the most exciting and talked about pieces of street art in London!

The Theme

This theme is of course inspired by recent events and how the past year has shifted our perception of connection; and how we build connections in lonely times through digital mediums. Of course we want to add that connection is a timeless theme, human connection is always relevant and we are excited to see what the artists come up with!


💥 The artists must be UK based.

💥 The artist must produce the artwork themselves using their own material.

💥  Each artist will be given 4 separate horizontal panels. Individual panel sizes are approximately 2.374m height x 2.572. length. Submissions will therefore need to be to the scale of approximately 2.374m height and 10.288m wide.

💥The original artwork produced by the artist will not be mounted directly on the wall, a digital copy of the work will be made and blown up in order to fit the panels on the wall. Note: the work submitted does not have to be the exact size of the panels, it will be blown up to fit the wall accordingly.

💥 The artist can use whatever methods/materials they wish, as long as it is possible to mount the work on the wall aka. no sculptures.

💥 KIP will pay to transport the artworks and enlarge the final piece in order to fit the panels.

💥 The theme of the competition is connection. In order to participate, the artist must create a piece of art that they see as representative of this theme.

💥 The competition to pick the contributing pieces will be run over a three-month period to ensure a high level of attention, therefore all artists work must be submitted before 31/05/2021.

To apply email us at  hello@getsomekip.com – you will receive the T&Cs and can begin preparing your entry.

Opportunities Include

✨ Local and national press exposure

✨ Dedicated panels on the wall 

✨ Artwork exposed to millions of people

✨ Dedicated Window to Hackney panels in the Kip bedrooms

✨ Brand exposure in short film “Making of the Window to Hackney”

✨Should the artist give permission, their name and social media will be printed onto the panels and promoted across all press and social media

✨ Highly visual internet and social media content

✨ Launch party with press coverage 

We cannot wait to see what you come up with…GOOD LUCK!



Terms & Conditions

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